Make contact with your creative inner self, let go, play!
Colours, lines, images will appear, disappear and mix from inside out, through your hands on the paper.
It is all about letting go of your inhibitions and expressing yourself. Whatever your level of talent or experience, with the intuitive painting approach and exercises you will get into your flow and enjoy the process as well as what you create. There are no good or bad paintings in our workshop. What you don’t like today, you might appreciate some time later.
Images that appear might have a meaning for our life journey. Messages of our subconscious mind might find their way into the painting.
Use your right & left brain together
We will help you a little to open to your intuition. Emotional bodywork, music and exercises for the right brain will carry us to a more intuitive state of mind. We will let go of inhibitions and paint with our left and right hand. Painting with closed eyes and even with your feet is possible!
Natural paint
During the workshops we make our own natural paint.
We work individually but also in interaction. Talking about the paintings and sharing after the session is at least as valuable as the painting process itself!
Get an impression of the recent workshops!