Intuitive painting workshop 26 April by Mine Yapar, in Amsterdam.
Wonderful quotes from the participants reveal what intuitive painting is about.
“The workshop was heart moving. As an artist, for the first time in a long time I really enjoyed making art today! This is making art as self expression, not for the result.”
“It was wonderful to get my hands dirty!”
“Great exercise to let go of what you already have and welcome the unknown.”
“I found your workshop very special and powerful”
Caroline Ros:
“Magic of today: The painting kept transforming itself through many stages. At the beginning a blue angel appeared on the painting but I did not try to keep her en let go. Angel transformed into something else beautiful…”
Leyla Bitlisli:
“I painted unconsciously a mother and child. This is amazing as I am expecting a baby! I started with red and the painting stayed red-rose whatever I tried to change it. Colours of a baby room.
I can’t help but call this painting “Mother and Child”.”
“This was my first painting experience. Amazing, the less I thought the better I could paint! I see in my painting the crossroads where I am standing at the moment in life. I just resigned from my job. As my painting is full of power I know my new path will be a success.”
“Thanks for the beautiful workshop. It was a special experience”