End Summer Drawing in the Park

2 September 2023 um 11:00 – 13:00
1071 Amsterdam
Mine Yapar

Drawing in Nature Reserve Vondelpark
11:00-13:00 Koeienweide Vondelpark

Summer is coming to an end! Don’t miss this special moment, go into nature to witness the start of the autumn! Wild nature is nearer you than you think. There is a part of Vondelpark (Koeienweide) where visitors are allowed only in the company of a guide. As the human interference is limited, the nature can flourish here, which means flora and fauna is very rich.
It is a privilege to dive into your creative source in this silent paradise hidden in the middle of the city. 

Mine Yapar, artist and nature guide, will lead this drawing session. She has already given many intuitive painting workshops in Amsterdam as well as art & nature retreats abroad.

We meet at the fence of Koeienweide at 11 a.m. on Sunday. After an inspiring walk around to field, we will choose a nice spot to draw. I will help you along the way with some intuitive drawing exercises. The result will be a combination of intuitive drawing and observational drawing of nature. Register with an email to mine(dot)yapar(at)earthcolours(dot)nl

Please bring the following with you:

  • your donation in cash (minimum €9,- part of your contribution is for nature education activities)
  • drawing materials eg. pen, pencil, drawing block, watercolours…
  • drinking water and a hat if the weather is hot
  • rain cape if necessary
  • something simple to sit on

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